We ship worldwide, including Latin America, the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.
You can check the status of your order at any time in your account. You can also track the shipment using the provided tracking number once it has been sent.
Orders are shipped within 24-48 hours, once you receive the confirmation email and payment is submitted correctly.
Don’t have an account yet? Sign up and enjoy exclusive shopping services. If you don’t have a registered account yet, you can track your order in the “STATUS OF YOUR ORDER” section.
Unfortunately, you cannot choose a specific date and time for delivery. However, you can track your order using your reference number to check its status. You will find this reference number in the order confirmation email after making the purchase. Note that reference number is different than tracking number.
If, for any reason, you were not available and your order could not be delivered, please contact the delivery service directly to arrange a new date.
If you were unable to receive the shipment and couldn’t coordinate with the delivery service, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you.
Note: In the case of orders returned to our warehouse due to non-delivery and for reasons not attributable to us (incorrect delivery arrangements by the customer), once received at our facilities, it will be processed as a return and the handling and shipping fees specified in our RETURNS POLICY will be deducted from the refund amount.
The delivery timelines start from the moment you receive the shipping confirmation and your order tracking number.
- STANDARD PENINSULAR SHIPPING Delivery in [2-3] business days: 4,99 €
- EXPRESS SHIPPING: Delivery in [1-2] business days: 5,99 € (*)
- SHIPPING TO CEUTA, MELILLA AND CANARY ISLANDS Delivery in [5-6] business days: Consult shipping rates at check out.
- INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING Delivery in [5-10] business days: Starting price 9,99 € (Consult shipping rates and delivery times at check out).
(*) Express shipping service is available only to orders ships to Spain Peninsular address.
(**) Free shipping on orders over 99 € to orders delivery to Zone 1 European countries. To the rest of countries free shipping will apply on orders over 150€. To get free shipping orders must reach the stablished amount after apply any coupon, discount or promotions.